Saturday, December 1, 2007


Do I and how do I combine illustration and collage? Illustration and type? Type and collage?
How can I give my illustrations content? Narrative? Illustrate a song? Text? Book covers? A book?
What layout preferences are to be considered?
What is the best media to be used? Printmaking?Layered print?
How limited does the colour palette need to be?
How simplistic / complex do the collages have to be?
How simplistic can the illustrations be?
A view to the future. Possibly. Neville Brody, used pieces of his work, compiled together with the words of he Rimy River printed on top and created a  book. Its an idea of something I could possibly produce with my work.
The problem I am encountering with my work at present is that it seems to lack content and is reliant on development. My work at the moment is not so much about the final outcome but how I end up there. I have started drawing pictures but they mean nothing until they are given a context. One of the main problems I need to address is being able to step away from the sketchbook, to push my illustrations into other areas of which they can be understood. By further experimentation with different media, colour, scale, shape and layout will help give my work some meaning. 
Along side this, I have been experimenting with typography (shown below). Ultimately I see text as a challenge and another way of illustrating, and that is what I've been trying to convey with it. I need to think of a way to combine text and illustration however. it may simply be that the illustrations need to be printed onto different surfaces with the type, or  compiled together in some sort of book, a bit like Neville Brody done with the Rimy River.
This is the song so far. It is a current work in progress but is nearly finished. I need to start illustrating with the words, where the overall shape of the text represents the words of the text.
Taking the tag idea a step further by using song lyrics laid out in various ways, with a different font used for each letter of each word.

Here i began to overlap words drawn by pen and ink. I use different width nibs to experiment with the line quality. However, these need developing. The words are not clear enough, and possibly needs to be done using an actual passage of text.